Thursday 25 August 2011

The short story lottery

Having spent the last few weeks concentrating on writing and reading short stories I realised I don't actually own that many books of them. With that in mind I asked Twitter which book of short stories they'd recommend (either anthologies or collections by a single author). The plan was to stick them all in a hat (or whatever came to hand, me not being much of a hat wearer) and pull one out to buy, seeing as it's payday and all.

The suggestions for title or authors I received were as follows:

Richard Yates (2 votes)
'Fame' by Daniel Kehlman
Mary McCarthy
'Leading the Dance' by Sarah Salway
'A History of Sarcasm' by Frank Burton
'The Littlest Hitler' by Ryan Boudinot
'Yoga For People Who Can't Be Bothered To Do It' by Geoff Dyer
'Welcome To The Monkey House' by Kurt Vonnegut
'10,000 light years from home by James Tiptree Jr
'Ingathering' by Zenna Henderson
Raymond Carver (5 votes, including a specific one for 'What We Talk About...')
Third Class Superhero' by Charles Yu
' The Method ' by Tom Vowler
'Fragile Things' by Neil Gaiman
'When the Nine Rolls Over' by David Benioff
'The 27th Kingdom' by Alice Thomas Ellis
Roald Dahl

...and the winner is (rolls up sleeve, shoves hand into bag full of scrunched up paper)...

Richard Yates

Thanks everyone


  1. Eleven kinds of loneliness is my favourite Richard Yates collection :) Hope you enjoy Yates


  2. Чехов is unbeatable, Hemingway is also good
